Equity Framework – Overview
United Way’s Equity Framework supports your local United Way to develop, identify and implement strategies, processes and approaches to drive more equitable outcomes in your community. The Equity Framework is intended for United Way staff, including Resource Development, Impact, Policy and Advocacy, and Marketing and Communications to implement equity as a process and result of their work. The Framework draws heavily from U.S. historical developments and current context. The 6 equity levers that form the majority of the contents are tied to core practices of United Ways that can be applied and/or adapted to other contexts. Use Framework contents to make important connections between equity and your United Way’s community-facing work, to identify and adopt specific strategies and action steps, to assess your organization’s progress to date, and to identify specific success measures to track your progress.
Equity Levers
Dive into an equity lever to explore specific practices to increase equity This section is modular and designed for you to move easily between the levers, based on your United Way’s local community context, priority and interests.
Each Lever Includes
- Why this lever is important for advancing equity
- A mini assessment to gauge your United Way’s current progress on this specific dimension of equit y
- Connection to critical success factors in the Modern United Way
- Suggested strategies for advancing your work in this area
- Local United Way examples
- Sample Activities in Childhood and Youth Success, Economic Mobility & Access to Health
- Sample Success Measures
- Featured Resources