Community Impact and Engagement
For staff leading impact and/or engagement efforts at local United Ways, listed below are equity strategies and related approaches to advance your work in childhood and youth success, economic mobility and health.
Childhood and Youth Success Strategies:
STRATEGY: Increase access to high-quality early childhood educational experiences for BIPOC children to support school readiness.
Data Approaches:
- Map availability and quality of early childhood programs in communities of color and target investments that address gaps in quality.
- Partner with early childhood coalitions/providers and school districts to increase the use of common readiness assessments that measure school readiness. Advocate for adoption of statewide readiness assessments.
- Note: common approaches to assessing quality of highly rated programs in BIPOC communities, proximity to BIPOC children.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Partner with entrepreneurship programs (business development, networking) that aid women of color to start, expand, and sustain informal childcare programs, especially during economic downturns and other crisis. This may include removing barriers to funding, providing relevant training and professional development that help providers scale their businesses, and help identify and apply for loans and grants.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Engage families of young children (0-5 years), especially in low-income neighborhoods, to understand how ongoing barriers limit access to quality childcare, early childhood, and Pre-K programs.
- Connect families and caregivers to each other, to create networks of information and support.
- Use this information to inform state-level policy development and advocacy strategies.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Invest in training and professional development for early childhood educators across diverse settings (e.g., family/friend/neighbor care, childcare, PreK).
- Trainings on implicit bias and culturally competent curriculums.
- Invest in early literacy programs (0-5) that provide access to books in the home and family resources that support early language development.
- Provide resources to parents to help them navigate early childhood systems by building awareness in quality care and PreK (demand – ensure equitable access to informational resources.
STRATEGY: Engage families, youth, schools and community partners to ensure that Black, Indigenous, and Students of Color have access to K-12 high-quality, high-performing schools.
Data Approaches:
- Analyze and disaggregate data on school performance, student achievement and school resources to understand gaps and disparities.
- Support the development and regular use of early warning and response systems that track attendance and grades and provide just-in-time supports to students at risk of dropping out.
- Use school feeder pattern data to identify potential schools to partner with, based on those that serve significant numbers of students of color and/or where 40 percent or more of students qualify for Free and Reduced Meals.
- Examine patterns in school tracking to identify disparities.
- Advocate with school boards and districts to ensure programs serving predominantly students of color (CTE tracks, general education track) prepare students for college.
- Analyze state K-12 funding formulas to understand how education dollars are allocated to districts and how these mechanisms alleviate or exacerbate inequities within and between school systems.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Partner with schools and trusted faith/community-based organizations to engage students and families of color to understand their needs and challenges.
- Provide information/resources/networks they can access to support their child’s academic success.
- Partner with higher education and state teacher licensure departments to identify and support policies, practices, and investments to increase the number of BIPOC college students pursuing teaching degrees.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Engage schools, youth-serving organizations, youth and families of color to understand systemic barriers to school success, and to formulate solutions that drive resource investments, partnerships, and advocacy efforts.
- Facilitate the creation of peer networks for families to engage and support one another.
- Engage community residents to build and/or deepen shared understanding of the importance of a quality school system that advances equity and addresses gaps and disparities.
- Partner with youth-led groups and organizations to ensure that youth voice and opportunities to lead are integrated into proposed strategies and solutions.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Partner with schools, community-based organizations and other funders to invest in and lead initiatives that improve high school graduation rates for students of color (e.g., United Way of Orange County’s Destination Graduation, Communities in Schools, On Track Greenville, Los Angeles Regional Coalition for Linked Learning).
- STRATEGY: Organize a system of school and community-based supports for Black, Indigenous and students of color as they progress through elementary, middle and high school.
Data Approaches:
- Partner with schools, especially those serving high-poverty and/or majority students of color, to invest in, develop and use data to identify students at-risk of academic failure or dropping out, based on attendance, grades, and behavior (e.g., early warning and response systems).
- Map the existence of afterschool and summer programming to identify gaps in availability.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Partner with local companies to provide technology resources and expertise to schools and families that will close the “digital divide” in internet, software and hardware access.
- Support out-of-school programs (i.e. afterschool, summer) and other youth serving coalitions to implement systemic approaches that improve quality, access, and sustainability of these programs for students of color.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Engage families and students of color to understand the types of enrichment opportunities and academic supports needed.
- Use this information to inform resource investments in programs that address these gaps and needs.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Partner with companies, civic leaders and non-profits to provide BIPOC high school students with internships, mentorships, summer jobs, and career fairs to increase career exposure and build work experience history.
- Partner and invest in comprehensive initiatives to remove documented barriers to student learning (e.g., community schools, early grade reading efforts).
- Invest in community-based afterschool, summer and other programs that:
o support effective student transitions (e.g., elementary to middle to high school);
o close prevalent gaps in opportunity and exposure between groups of students (e.g. access to STEAM)
o provide timely academic supports that keep students on track, through tutoring,
credit recovery, mentoring, and homework assistance;
o provide literacy supports to close gaps in reading proficiency, with particular emphasis during elementary school.
- STRATEGY: Partner with K-12(middle, high schools) and higher education systems to improve postsecondary access, persistent and attainment for BlPOC students.
Data Approaches:
- Federal Student Aid database to review FAFSA completion rates by state and district to determine whether low-income and/or students of color are applying for the federal aid they may be eligible for. Analyze disaggregated high school data on college plans/enrollment to identify gaps in college attendance/access within and between schools. Use this data to inform resource investments and potential partnerships.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Partner with high schools and community-based organizations to organize volunteers, i.e., a “second shift of adults” that can support college and career preparation activities (e.g., SAT Prep, financial aid counseling, FAFSA completion, application assistance, information sessions). Partner with local community/technical/4-year colleges, historically black college and universities, 211s, and community-based partners to connect BIPOC college students with ongoing supports that remove barriers to persistence (i.e., transportation, childcare, emergency financial assistance, food assistance, book stipends). Partner and invest in local coalitions that are explicitly focused on increasing post-secondary access for Black, Indigenous and students of color.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Engage families of middle, high school, and college-age youth to advocate for state level policy changes to increase post-secondary access for BIPOC and/or low-income students (e.g., increase state funding for schools that serve BIPOC students, increase access to student aid, loan forgiveness).
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Invest in and partner with companies, civic leaders and non-profits to provide BIPOC college students with apprenticeships, internships, mentorships, summer jobs, and career fairs to increase career exposure and build work experience history.
- STRATEGY: Provide BIPOC high school and college students with timely supports and services to ensure college access, persistence and completion.
Data Approaches:
- Analyze disaggregated high school data on college plans/enrollment to identify gaps in college attendance/access within and between schools. Map existing local college access, preparation, and completion programs to identify potential gaps in student supports.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Partner with high schools serving BIPOC students to engage with families and students so they have access to information, networks and related resources that support college access and ensure the best college fit (academic, financial, geographic, social).
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Engage BIPOC students and families to understand and develop strategies to address barriers to college access and attainment.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Invest in efforts and/or leverage 211 to ensure effective high school and college transitions and address “summer melt” (text-to-mobile campaigns, onboarding/summer transition programs, financial aid, application and registration deadlines, etc.). Invest in targeted mentoring efforts and peer support networks to ensure BIPOC college students have access to ongoing social and emotional supports (e.g., POSSE). Invest in efforts at technical, community, and 4-year colleges that provide enhanced advising services for BIPOC college students including coursework, major selection, career counseling, and employment assistance that support transitioning to the workplace. Provide supports to help BIPOC students complete FAFSA applications, obtain Pell Grants and scholarships, access affordable student loans, and compare college financial aid packages.
Fundraising Approaches:
- Engage corporate donors by framing investments in post-secondary completion efforts for BIPOC students as a way to increase workforce readiness and ensure a diverse talent pipeline. For example, PepsiCo plans to institute a $25 million scholarship program for Black students in community colleges and students who are moving from two-year to four-year institutions.
Economic Mobility Strategies:
- STRATEGY: BIPOC students complete advanced degrees, certifications and/or technical training programs to secure well-paying jobs in high-growth sectors.
Data Approaches:
- Review regional labor market data to identify jobs in high-growth sectors that offer family-sustaining wages, benefits, and opportunities for career advancement.
- Review hiring data to identify high-growth sectors in which BIPOC are under-represented.
- Convene training providers to agree on a common set of outcomes.
- Disaggregate outcomes data by race and ethnicity.
- Convene training providers to review data, assess disparities and adjust outreach and training plans.
- Work with higher education institutions (2 and 4-year colleges) to identify challenges to degree completion, essential for success in high-wage growth sectors (e.g. STEAM).
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Connect BIPOC to organizations that facilitate applying for public and private financial aid programs needed to pay for post-secondary education/training.
- Increase nonprofit organizations’ capacity to facilitate online completion of college enrollment applications, financial aid forms and/or job applications.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Convene BIPOC students for a better understanding of barriers to degree completion, credentialling and job attainment.
- Engage BIPOC students in designing strategic programs that address these barriers to increase the likelihood of success.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Invest in job training organizations with set goals of increasing BIPOC enrollment in training programs for high-growth, high-wage employment sectors.
- Provide job training organizations with supplemental funding supporting transportation, childcare and educational stipends (items not always included in WIOA-funded training programs).
- Invest in efforts to remove barriers to post-secondary degree completion for BIPOC students, including access to emergency stipends, childcare, transportation, and grants to cover gaps in financial aid.
STRATEGY: BIPOC youth and adults advance to good jobs and careers in high-growth, high-wage sectors.
Data Approaches:
- Create a scorecard that recognizes corporate and nonprofit partners (including vendors and donors) and whose leadership team reflects the community where it operates.
- Use scorecard data in the decision-making process of agency funding and vendor contracts that recognize corporate donors and employer partners.
- Recommend corporate and nonprofit partners use objective analytics in making promotion decisions that reduce biases.
- Analytics equitably communicate the criteria, process and expectations for attaining promotion.
- Recommend that for-profit and nonprofit partners audit promotion practices, compensation/salary bands and retention strategies to ensure that BIPOC staff have equitable access to in-house advancement.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Fund and promote the expansion of career coaching services that promote career development, retention and advancement of BIPOC youth and adults.
- Fund and promote the development of sector-based training and educational programs specifically designed to achieve career advancement opportunities for BIPOC employees.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Convene community stakeholders to identify challenges BIPOC workers face in career advancement and use feedback to shape program design.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Invest in paid apprenticeship or internship programs that allow trainees to gain work experiences that improve chances at job placement and advancement.
- Fund training programs in high-growth, high-wage employment sectors, including programs designed for embedded workers.
- Create recognition opportunities for employers who meet equity standards.
Fundraising Approaches:
- Frame potential corporate investments as opportunities to close access and opportunity gaps. This can appeal to companies that are interested in ensuring that they have access to diverse workforce and are able to attract historically underrepresented groups to fill leadership positions. For example, the NBA recently announced a 10-year, $300 million commitment for grants to foster economic growth and career readiness in Black communities.
- STRATEGY: BIPOC have equitable opportunities to use quality and comparable financial products and services.
Data Approaches:
- Convene and support Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) collaboratives that track, promote and hold lenders accountable for implementing equitable lending practices related to access and costs.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Work with mainstream financial institutions (including credit unions) to design financial products that meet BIPOC’s needs, including checking and savings accounts, loans and credit products.
- Work with credit unions and alternative financial service providers to design affordable micro-credit products.
- Design strategies that reach and engage communities and populations traditionally underserved by mainstream financial institutions.
- Provide tools, resources and technical assistance to help organizations serving traditionally underserved consumers by promoting mainstream banking products or affordable alternatives.
- Promote products/services, such as direct deposit and auto bill pay, that make transactions affordable and automatic.
- Encourage employers to offer opt-out options when enrolling employees in retirement plans. Encourage automatic contribution of pay increases to private retirement savings (401k, 403b).
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Provide stipends for community members joining Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) collaboratives.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Fund peer lending programs to increase BIPOC access to micro credit.
- Facilitate partnerships between economic mobility programs and CDFIs and Credit Unions to increase access to affordable financial products.
- Engage donors and establish loan funds to increase accessibility and affordability of timely consumer and small business loans.
- STRATEGY: BIPOC have safe, affordable housing.
Data Approaches:
- Compile data on local housing conditions, disaggregated by race.
Capacity Building Approaches:- Train community housing advocates to advocate for equitable, safe and affordable housing decisions with zoning boards and community planning groups.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:- Convene or sponsor housing advocacy groups able to assess community conditions, frame priorities and advocate with local government agencies in the expansion of safe and affordable housing.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:- Fund community development corporations (CDCs) that build affordable housing.
- Advocate for changes to housing authority policies that make affordable housing more accessible.
- Fund training programs to help BIPOC secure leadership opportunities with community planning groups, local boards and commissions overseeing housing and land use.
- Fund housing counseling services that help BIPOC secure housing in high-opportunity neighborhoods.
- STRATEGY: Increase BIPOC homeownership and ensure home valuations are determined equitably.
Data Approaches:
- Compile data on local home ownership rates, mortgage costs, availability, and home valuation, disaggregated by race.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Convene and support Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) collaboratives to track, promote and hold mortgage lenders accountable for implementing equitable lending practices.
- Convene financial institutions, real estate agencies and community leaders to evaluate real estate assessment practices that ensure property values are determined accurately and equitably.
- Train financial and homeownership coaches to guide BIPOC individuals through the homeownership process.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Convene residents and community stakeholders to identify challenges inhibiting BIPOC homeownership and drive disparate home valuation rates.
- Use feedback to shape funding and program decisions.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Fund down payment assistance services aimed at closing the homeownership gap.
- Fund Individual Development Account (IDA) programs that facilitate homeownership.
- Fund and coordinate shared equity homeownership programs.
- Fund homeownership counseling and other programs that help potential BIPOC owners access equitable mortgage rates and home equity lines of credit.
- Fund nonprofit home appraisal services to correct for systemic under assessment in determining collateral/purchase value and over assessment when calculating property tax obligation.
- STRATEGY: Facilitate BIPOC entrepreneurs access to capital, training, and opportunities for business development and expansion.
Data Approaches:
- Compile data on self-employment rates and the rates at which BIPOC-owned small business are awarded contracting opportunities by local governments, anchor businesses and other United Way partners, disaggregated by race.
- Compile data on the cost, approval rates and accessibility of capital for local entrepreneurs disaggregated by race.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Engage local municipalities to encourage investment of CDBG funds in small business training, lending services and start-up grants.
- Integrate business training services with financial capability programs, free tax preparation and other supportive services.
- Convene collaborations with Small Business Development Centers (SDBCs) and Women’s Business Development Centers (WBDCs), which provide advanced business assistance services, and Community Development Corporations (CDCs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) that have direct relationships with BIPOC entrepreneurs in disadvantaged communities.
- Promote BIPOC participation in business improvement districts (BIDs)
- Convene foundations, community leaders and other stakeholders to establish credit unions and community banks that prioritize affordable, equitably-priced and culturally relevant financial products that meet the needs of BIPOC individuals and businesses.
- Convene and support Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) collaboratives to track, promote and hold lenders accountable for implementing equitable lending practices.
- Support the development or expansion of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI’s) that can provide capital to local BIPOC entrepreneurs.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Convene community members to identify challenges BIPOC entrepreneurs face when starting or expanding businesses and use feedback to develop locally relevant strategies that increase business development opportunities.
- Convene community members and business owners to identify challenges BIPOC entrepreneurs face in working to obtain capital operating funds for their business. Use feedback to establish priorities and establish strategies.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Fund technical assistance services for BIPOC entrepreneurs.
- Fund collaborations with Small Business Development Centers (SDBC’s) and Women’s Business Development Centers (WBDC’s), that provide advanced business assistance services, and Community Development Corporations (CDC’s) and Community Based Organizations (CBO’s), that have direct relationships with BIPOC entrepreneurs in disadvantaged communities.
- Fund training programs that help BIPOC business owners secure leadership opportunities with business improvement districts (BID’s), community planning groups and local boards and commissions.
- Examine internal procurement policies to ensure equitable access of BIPOC-led organizations to United Way contracts.
Fundraising Approaches:
- Frame corporate investments as an opportunity to diversify their own business supply lines, For example, PepsiCo recently announced a $438 million, five-year commitment with plans to increase its spending on Black-owned suppliers by $350 million over five years and invest $50 million in Black-owned businesses. Similarly, Apple is providing venture capital funding for Black and Brown entrepreneurs.
- Engage donors and establish loan funding to increase accessibility and affordability of consumer and small business loans at competitive rates.
- STRATEGY: Ensure equitable business opportunities for BIPOC-owned small businesses.
Data Approaches:
- Compile data on the rates small business are awarded contracting opportunities, segmented by local governments, anchor businesses, other United Way partners; disaggregated by race.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Train business coaches and/or expand access to business coaching services, which can guide BIPOC entrepreneurs through the process of bidding for public and private business opportunities.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Convene community members and business owners to identify challenges faced by BIPOC entrepreneurs in securing equitable business opportunities. Use feedback to set priorities and shape strategies.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Fund business coaching services that help BIPOC entrepreneurs access public and private business opportunities.
- Fund initiatives to build and strengthen the operational capacity of BIPOC-led United Way grantees, especially those that are small non-profits. For an example, see United Way of Metropolitan Dallas’ Nonprofit Success Institute.
- Screen prospective grant recipients to ensure their contracting process provides equitable access to BIPOC-owned businesses.
Access to Health Strategies:
- STRATEGY: Work with community partners and residents to strengthen and build healthy, supportive, resilient communities in areas with poor health outcomes, by addressing the social determinants of health.
Data Approaches:
- Collaborate with community leaders and members to identify and map key health indicators (i.e., poverty, infant mortality, and life expectancy) to gain an understanding of community inequities.
- Analyze available food retail, emergency feeding programs and urban agriculture to identify food deserts.
- Assess utilization of federal nutrition programs, such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infant and Children (WIC) nutrition programs.
- Map publicly available parks and playgrounds as well as safe bike lanes and walking paths to identify improvements and inform local policy makers to create safe neighborhoods.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Partner with leaders and elected officials to support programs and provide funding to local BIPOC entrepreneurs, innovators and farmers looking to sell and/or grow healthy, affordable food.
- Partner with farmers markets to accept EBT and redeem Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
- Highlight vendors who provide dollar-for-dollar match of SNAP funds spent on fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Utilize 211 to address unmet transportation needs that can connect people to food assistance, job interviews, etc.
- Support active transportation initiatives for school age children in transit deserts.
- Access federally funded child nutrition programs, i.e., Summer Food Service Program and Child Adult Care Food Program.
- Ensure that nonprofit and community partners serving BIPOC communities are prepared to address emergency crisis situations (i.e., able to increase capacity quickly).
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Work with community members and partners to convene discussions on the historical roots of racism and its effect on health.
- Identify actions to take at the local level by working with residents and partners to co-create strategic plans for each neighborhood/locality.
- Develop relationships with diverse sets of data partners (health departments, hospitals, departments of education, public works) to obtain robust data pictures.
- Engage hospitals in the results of Community Health Needs Assessments and community benefits investments.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Invest in mapping health services in Community Schools, community centers and other social locations where people congregate, barber shops, beauty parlors, etc.
- Invest in mental health services and trauma informed approaches that build community and recognize community trauma is a result of structural racism, poverty, historical disinvestment, etc.
- Invest in efforts that engage communities in designing green spaces and play areas.
- Invest in programs that work to increase the availability and awareness of healthy foods in corner stores.
- Invest in initiatives that promote social connectedness, programs in schools that help students strengthen social skills, networks and connections.
- Invest in the availability and provisioning of healthy, culturally appropriate nutritious food and emergency feeding programs.
- Invest in readiness and emergency preparedness that address health pandemics and/or other emergency situations disproportionally impacting BIPOC communities (COVID-19).
- Invest in health literacy campaigns that increase knowledge and awareness about the prevention of chronic diseases.
Fundraising Approaches:
- Frame corporate investments as an opportunity for partners to collaborate with and improve health outcomes in communities where their employees live, work, and play. For instance, the Walmart Foundation provided resources to the American Heart Association to increase access to affordable and healthy food in communities of color.
- STRATEGY: Improve access to and quality of prenatal and postpartum care to women of color, with particular emphasis on Black women.
Data Approaches:
- Map access to maternity and pediatric care in high needs areas, including ObGyn providers and hospitals providing obstetric care.
- Utilize maternal mortality review committee data to identify leading causes of preventable pregnancy related death, and identify the populations impacted.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Provide culturally appropriate training and support to doulas and community healthcare workers working with underserved mothers from first trimester of pregnancy through the first year of life.
- Work with ObGyn’s and pediatricians to screen new mothers for postpartum mental health conditions and connecting them to culturally appropriate mental health resources and services.
- Work with ObGyn’s and pediatricians to screen pregnant women and new mothers for unmet social needs (i.e., housing, food insecurity, transportation) to connect them to appropriate resources.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Recruit at risk parents to participate in home visitation programs from prenatal through early childhood.
- Center the voices of BIPOC mothers and families in creating local pregnancy initiatives.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Implement and expand group prenatal care models like Centering Pregnancy that provide mental health and social support to pregnant women.
- Support investments in telehealth services.
- Invest in substance abuse and tobacco cessation programs for pregnant women.
- Invest in nutrition education and connect pregnant mothers to healthy, fresh and affordable food resources.
- STRATEGY: Decrease infant mortality rates in BIPOC communities.
Data Approaches:
- Map community infant mortality rates.
- Map affordable early childcare facilities.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Work with ObGyn’s and pediatricians to screen pregnant women and new mothers for unmet social needs (i.e., housing, food insecurity, transportation) to connect them to appropriate resources.
- Promote parental health insurance enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP and registration for public benefits with access health information resources.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Engage trusted community partners, to identify solutions and recommendations that meet infant needs.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Invest in early childhood home visiting programs.
- Invest in initiatives that focus on healthy infant development, i.e. bonding, breastfeeding, and safe sleep.
- STRATEGY: Promote public and/or or private health insurance enrollment among BIPOC.
Data Approaches:
Work with community members to map areas of high concentrations of uninsured and Medicaid enrollees, include vulnerable and homeless populations.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Convene community members, CBO’s, hospitals and other partners to identify barriers to health insurance enrollment and provide potential solutions.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Invest in culturally appropriate federal, state and local enrollment campaigns targeting uninsured and underinsured households.
- Utilize 211 for targeted health insurance enrollment efforts.
- Invest in and utilize 211 for targeted health insurance enrollment efforts in Medicaid and CHIP.
Fundraising Approaches:
- Frame investments to increase access to health insurance, especially for healthcare companies and insurers, as a cost reduction strategy that will ultimately strengthen their business environments by improving access to services.
- STRATEGY: Support and expand health services in underserved communities.
Data Approaches:
- Map available health services and identify gaps in access.
Capacity Building Approaches:
- Support implicit bias and cultural sensitivity training for healthcare providers.
- Support mental health first aid training for community members and partners.
- Support trauma informed health care practices.
Community Mobilization and Engagement Building Approaches:
- Engage community members in identifying gaps in health services.
- Engage community members in initiatives to increase and promote patient advocacy for consumers with low literacy levels.
Resource Allocation and Grantmaking Approaches:
- Utilize system navigators and community health workers to provide culturally sensitive assistance and care coordination to assist patients through available supports and resources.
- Increase the availability of culturally and linguistically competent mental and behavioral health services.
- Invest in health literacy interventions that incorporate patients’ culture, language, or literacy levels into understanding of care.
- Partner with state agencies and counseling services to connect people to virtual/telehealth mental health care using 211.
- Support school based health clinics to increase access to care for students.
- Invest in pediatric oral health initiatives that encourage healthy dental habits and increase access to care.
Fundraising Approaches:
- Frame investments to increase access to culturally appropriate healthcare, especially for healthcare companies and insurers, as a cost reduction strategy that will ultimately strengthen their business environments by improving client utilization of services that improve health outcomes.