United Way of Racine County
engaged more than 400 residents in kitchen table style conversations about challenges, aspirations, and goals related to race, equity, and inclusion. Resulting action steps from the conversations included the creation of a Declaration of Inclusion, the development of a Diversity Council to engage business leaders to create diverse, supportive workplaces, and hosting a community event to celebrate community-wide diversity.

United Way of Central Maryland (UWCM)
brought the Race Card, a program of the Aspen Institute, to the greater Baltimore community. This helped United Way get acquainted with residents from over 48 neighborhoods and facilitate conversations at major events. United Way used the Race Card to engage 500 women leaders at the Women United Forum, as well as to engage over 400 homeless individuals at Project Homeless Connect. The information gathered through this process helped to provide direction for the strategic plan and set the course for the next 6 years. The overarching objectives for the plan were set as a result of this project, one of which is that fewer people living as ALICE (asset limited, income constrained, and employed). These efforts helped UWCM to form new and strengthen some relationships, both with existing partners and with community members. It gave credibility in their desire to keep equity at the forefront of our work.

United Way of Santa Cruz County (UWSCC)
is contracted through Santa Cruz County Probation to coordinate and lead the Santa Cruz County Shared Safety efforts. In response to recent increases in crime and violence in Watsonville, California, as well as an increase in conversations on the role of policing in the community, in the spring of 2021, United Way of Santa Cruz County partnered with Communities Organized for Relational Power in Action (COPA), Santa Cruz County Youth Action Network, United 4 Youth, and our other partners representing Community Health Trust of Pajaro Valley, Santa Cruz County Children’s Behavioral Health, Santa Cruz County District Attorney’s Office, Santa Cruz County Office of Education, Watsonville City Council, Watsonville City Parks and Recreation, Watsonville Police Department to host two Watsonville Shared Safety Community Dialogues. This program engaged 40 youth and survivors of crime and included 35 system partners and volunteers. All recommendations were submitted to Watsonville’s Ad Hoc Committee for Policing and Social Equity. UWSCC has already supported the City with some of the recommendations, for example compiling a resource directory of all youth-serving programs, breaking down low-cost no-cost programs. Additionally, the City plans to tap into the Shared Safety efforts to support strengthening trust between law enforcement and survivors of crime and youth.