United Way of Anchorage
leads 90% Graduation by 2020, a community collaboration that coordinates partners, builds public will, mobilizes funding, and engages volunteers in the effort to reach a 90% graduation rate by the year 2020. A key component of the collaboration is the #NOLABELS media campaign, which challenges commonly held assumptions about students who struggle to graduate from high school. The campaign draws attention to the non-school barriers that some students face and asks everyone to look beyond the stereotypes that are traditionally associated with low income and/or students of color.

United Way of Washtenaw County
is committed to equity as a core value and practice to advance its mission, fundamentally changing its approach to the work and the work itself. With the idea that zip code no longer predicts opportunity, one approach they are using to engage more individuals and make new connections is the 21 Day Equity Challenge. The 21 Day Equity Challenge is a self-guided learning journey with examples and tools that examine the history and impact of racism and how it shapes people’s lived experiences in Washtenaw County. The Challenge was developed by Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr., Dr. Marguerite Penick-Parks, and Debby Irving. Over 4,000 people are participating in the challenge and new groups are connecting with United Way. The 21 Day Equity Challenge is one piece that builds momentum for the larger DEI work that includes getting involved in public policy, changing internal processes, and grantmaking processes